ETS was started in 2001 by Lloyd Tuffney, who has vast experience in the South African coaching field and who knows just how hard it is for young players to get their foot in the door
(or on the field).
ETS is dedicated to the development of young players and grass roots
soccer coaching.
The goal of ETS is to help players achieve the dreams that they thought were beyond their reach.
ETS has global ties with various organisations including American and British soccer academies and professional clubs.
ETS will give players the chance to achieve scholarships both locally and around the world.

ETS Skill Centre
The Skill Centre program featuring highly qualified coaches, fun learning activities and a good dose of soccer spirit!
The best way for U6-U18 year old players to learn the FUNdamentals of the game and the correct techniques and skills for optimum soccer development.
Join us for a free session during the week before registering.
Monday - Wednesday
15h45 - 19h15
R1750 registration (includes 2 sessions a week and 2 kits)
R650 / month thereafter
Development Teams
U13-U18 teams
Training three times a week with matches on the weekends, competing in the local RCLFA league.
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday (optional)
16h00 - 18h00
R1750 registration (includes 2 sessions a week and 2 kits)
R650 / month thereafter
Ladies Teams
Our ladies participate in RCLFA ladies senior league and train every Monday and Wednesday and play matches on Sundays.
Monday & Wednesday
18h00 - 19h00
R1750 registration (includes 2 sessions a week and 2 kits)
R650 / month thereafter
ETS Tours
ETS offers different tours that include England as well as Spain for different age groups
West Bromwich Albion
Real Madrid
Tiny Team

ETS offers an immense range of soccer-related services including, ETS Skill Centre for U6-U12s, Development Teams U13-U14, Ladies soccer, venue hire, indoor soccer, soccer parties, coaching clinics, coaching courses as well as International Tours.